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Social Outreach

On this page, we’ll be sharing quarterly photos of our passion, which is Women and Children in society.

Since inception, Capval has made an effort to invest in the lives of children and women in our society.  Quarterly causes were identified and included local creché’s, organisations focusing on the welfare of women in society and individual projects of young mothers.  In 2018 our paths crossed that of Learn2Live in Wallacedene, and preverbally the rest was history. 

Learn2Live is a non-profit organization that aims to create a society where children and adults have proper educational opportunities, specifically focusing and investing in the area of early childhood development and sustainable living.  Our focus is the involvement to assist with educational field trips, educational material and general support. 

We want to create continuous experiences that mold their dreams. 

What is a child if not inspired by a dream

EventPhoto Gallery
Learning about the beauty of nature at Butterfly worldClick here
The sweetness of EasterClick here
Spring is in the air…Click here
Fun in the sun…our treasures experiencing their first beach visitClick here

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